Sunday, June 26, 2011

Funny Animals

This cow is really bored!
 I randomly decided to make a post completely about funny animal pictures and videos.  I hope you find them as funny as I do.

Yes, I have included this picture in a previous post, and so I will not explain it again.
I wish my cat could do that!  I heard you can train cats to flush toilets  by placing meat on the handles, but Oasis still uses a litter box...

Well, It looks like I've posted as much annoying/mildly amusing stuff as people can stand in one post.  Now I would end this post like I have countless others by saying I have homework to do, but school's out.  I'll have to come up with a new tradition for ending summer posts.  If you really want to, you can give me some suggestions in the form of comments.

(Ending would go here.)

PS: I'm conducting a survey about my blog soon, so you can start figuring out how you are going to hack Google docs and mess with my results now.

(Second ending would go here.)

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