Sunday, June 26, 2011

Funny Animals

This cow is really bored!
 I randomly decided to make a post completely about funny animal pictures and videos.  I hope you find them as funny as I do.

Yes, I have included this picture in a previous post, and so I will not explain it again.
I wish my cat could do that!  I heard you can train cats to flush toilets  by placing meat on the handles, but Oasis still uses a litter box...

Well, It looks like I've posted as much annoying/mildly amusing stuff as people can stand in one post.  Now I would end this post like I have countless others by saying I have homework to do, but school's out.  I'll have to come up with a new tradition for ending summer posts.  If you really want to, you can give me some suggestions in the form of comments.

(Ending would go here.)

PS: I'm conducting a survey about my blog soon, so you can start figuring out how you are going to hack Google docs and mess with my results now.

(Second ending would go here.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Prodject Citezen

I think that project citizen may just be the worst mass school project yet.  In case you don't know what it is, project citizen is a program to get students involved in government by having them change a public policy for the better.  Seems like a good idea, right?  Well everyone seems to, except students, and most congressmen.  It ends up being one of those things that has a deadline that gets pushed farther and farther back, until, it is finished very sloppily two weeks from the end of school.  Then, it is sent into the VA general assembly so they can tell us how sloppy we are.  Oh, I bet you thought it was only in Virginia; well, it's taken hold of about 20% of middle schools across the country.

On a less annoyed and infuriated note; if you enjoy reading my blog, chances are, others will too.  If you want to share the wonders of my blog, you can use the buttons at the bottom of every post.  There is a button for most popular social networking sites.  You could even "Blog This" 

Coming soon: a Facebook "Like" button, so you can "Like" my entire blog, not just put one post on your or a friend's wall.