Monday, November 7, 2011

The Start of a New Series of Posts

I've decided to make my blog more interesting by making November TV month.  Although you may say, "Hey! Why am I reading this, why not just watch TV?"  Well you could, but if you had an idea in your head of what you wanted to watch first, you would enjoy it more.  And, you might not know about the best new show,  a bad show making a comeback, a good show gone bad, or a bad show, without any hope of improving.

If these things for some reson interest you, then you're in luck!  Keep reading to hear about a good show gone bad.

 A Good Show Gone Bad: Grey's Anatomy

The show started out as a good comedy.  However, with George's death, it made the gradual transition to drama.  Bad drama!  I still can't figure out why they did that.  Maybe they thought it was what modern audiences wanted.  It's not what I want to watch.  You should watch it to see for yourself.  Be sure to watch the early seasons, though, because they are actually good.  
 Well, now that I've got you bored, I'll go watch TV.  

Monday, October 31, 2011

This is my Best Post Ever! (hopefully...)

Although you may not know this, my stats have gone downhill steadily since the early days of my blog, only to spike in august. I still do not understand this anomaly, so I will conduct the survey I promised back in June. Here is the link; please do participate.

Now, on to the amazing post!

Okay I lied.  This is going to be the most boring, drab, disgusting, revolting, unpleasant post to ever make you cringe, and say, "Why did I read this?!"

No, that is not the truth either; what will actually happen, is that I will show you a bunch of photos from my trip to Jinja, and make sarcastic comments about how much you must hate this post, even though, in reality,  you are reveling in its mediocrity.

My Trip to Jinja

The week before last, I went, with my classmates, to Jinja. (Bored already?) We started off waiting at school, for the buses.Then, after about an hour, we go on those buses, and began our drive. (I oppologise to your family, if my horrible post causes you to commit suicide.) 

This was after the first hour...
...the second...
...the third.

 Fine, I lied; I lost track of time after the second hour.  But- that's not important (Actually, none of this is, please stop reading, it's not good for you.) what is, are the pictures, and the incredibly boring captions.
The camp site we stayed at, nothing much to explain here.

After setting up our tents, we kayakad for the rest of the day.

My apologies for omitting a very important detail; the whole reason my class went to Jinja, was to kayak.
During the trip, we visited a school for poor children.
Well, it looks like I'm out of pictures, ( Luck for you...) so I'll just explain the rest now; we ate horrible food for every meal, for the rest of the week, kayaked every day, and drove back to Kampala on Friday

I would  say, "I've got to go feed  my cat" or something like that, but since I scheduled this post, that just wouldn't make sense. So, I'll just say,

The End.
P.S.: You may write as many horrible comments you like, it's really the only way for me to know if my earlier prediction is correct.


Sorry, this post was supposed to be published on September 19 Th, but I forgot to schedule it.  Also, I haven't made any new posts until now, because my mother has been saying that I need to focus on school.  To solve this problem, I will make a sort of buffer of scheduled posts, coming out every Monday at 12:01/1:01  central.  You will be pleased to know that I already have two weeks worth of posts scheduled.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Blog has a Mascot!

    Did you notice the picture of the red panda at of the top of my blog?  It is my new mascot.  That's really all I'm going to say about it, but just one more thing, his name is Ling.

   Now on to a more annoying topic; tomorrow is my first day of school, I'm obviously not excited.  I'm especially not excited about the fact that I have to wear a uniform.  It's a really ugly one two.  I don't really care to have a lot of people who otherwise would not see me in it see me wearing my uniform, so at least for now, I will not include a photo.
    If I remember correctly, I promised photos of my house, and yard in my last post. Well, here they are.
 I got this cool thing at a local craft market, it' soapstone and
is all one piece.

(piece of junk)

Our patio, nothing really to explain here..
Another yard picture
Well, I think that's about all I have for you right now, except for these things:
  • Please share this blog on face book.
  • I'm working on making a calender to inform people of when my posts are going to be published.
I've got to go feed my cat now...

Friday, August 5, 2011

I Fianally Made it to Uganda

   My first post was about how I was moving there, and I am finally am here.  I had to fly for what I am pretty sure is a total of thirty hours, including layovers and time when the plane is on the ground.  Also, I had my dog and my cat with me.  My mom says she is going to consider flight time when deciding what place to move to.
    Now, I know what you are asking, "Where are the pictures?!"  Well, here's my excuse; I forgot to take some.  Don't worry, I will include pictures of my house in the next post.

  Old Stuff:

  1. I still don't have a good ending, please send me one.
  2. Don't forget to talk about my blog on Facebook.
  3. Follow my blog to know when I make a new post.
(Ending would go here.)

P.S.: You are welcome to write about how much this post sucks in the comment box.

(Second ending would go here.)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What's the Deal with Mary Kay

    Is Mary Kay any different than the thousands of other cosmetics  brands out there.  Sure they may have have a few good product's, but don't all brands have one or two that they claim are the best in the world?

    My mom says that they are different because they only sell through their female associates, so male owned department stores don't make all the money, and the women get it.  Well, I think that they are very sexist.  I have never heard of a male Mary Kay seller.  I wonder if they would actually hire a man if he applied.
    Finally, they aren't even an organic brand, so they really don't have anything special about them.  (Of course, no one really gets excited for organic cosmetics.)

    If you have any ideas for why everyone gets so excited for Mary Kay, please write a comment.
(Ending would go here.)

P.S.: I still haven't got a good ending...
(Second ending would go here.)

P.P.S.:Don't forget to tell your friends about this blog!
(Third ending would go here.)